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If you are entering a check, AutoComplete+ will automatically fill in the next available check number.P 6|Use large &font@@PSystemP2When pressed, create a &Transaction in:!P/qE PJ?HEnter the &Payee as:!P=q:P"In your Settings panel for assigning buttons (e.g. "Buttons" or "Launch Key"), assign a button to "LaunchMoney.exe" in the "Windows" folder. Then select an account and payee below. When the button is pressed, Money will create the new transaction.P'&@Ȑ!YEdit PasswordSystemP.mPBnP=2:New passwordP3EDConfirm passwordPTo set a password for Microsoft Money, enter it below. Once you have set a password, you will be asked to enter it each time you open Microsoft Money.PTo turn off your password, delete what is in the "New password" field and tap "OK".Ȁ'Microsoft Money PasswordSystemP ZxPlease enter the password:Pq FȐpGo to date...SystemPcSysDateTimePick32DateTimePicker1@@PSystemP<h&ttp://P2:YP<&Port:P:(P If you require a proxy server when accessing the Internet, enter your server's settings below. These settings are used by Microsoft Money when your Investment portfolio is updated.P  z&Use a proxy server when connecting to the Internet for Investment updating.P ($SettingsP1,Proxy ServerȐ9Portfolio updateMS Sans SerifP:$2CancelPYour investments are being updated from the MSN MoneyCentral web site. Please wait...Ȑ(_Choose a specific payeeSystemPuKYPB Payee list:P aPayee nameP% Account #:P Phone:P1#Address:PXPayee detailsMS Sans SerifP  Loading Money database, please wait...Ȑ,`Edit PayeeSystemP &Name:P- aP! &Address:P- P$$ A&ddress 2:P-" P3 &City:P-1l PB &State:P-@l PQ9 &Zip/Postal Code:PDOU PB5 &Phone Number:P@E PQ; Account Num&ber:POE ^MS Sans Serif4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?StringFileInfo040904b0CommentsLCompanyNameMicrosoft CorporationZFileDescriptionMicrosoft Money exe file>FileVersion1999, 12, 6, 0@InternalNameMicrosoft MoneyFLegalCopyrightCopyright 1999(LegalTrademarks@ OriginalFilenamemoneyce.exe PrivateBuild@ProductNameMicrosoft MoneyBProductVersion1999, 12, 6, 0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation ( @ffffffffff`fDDDDDDD@ffODGffODGfffO@pGfffO@pGffffOwwOowowO`owowO`owowO`fowowOfwwOHwffowowO@dfowowO@ffffowO@ffffowOtDdwODffffowODDHfffowffffDDDDDD`ffowOwOwDddddd`fffdOwOwDddddd`wwfff`wFFFFFffdDDOwDdddd`ffdDDDDDddddfdDDDDDfFF@`dd`DDDDDd`DDDD?( dd`@@dpF@d`FFFdddFFvFddddFFOFOFddddddddFFFFFF@dddddd`FFFFFFdddd`FF@( @ʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___www eeeeeee eeeeeeeeee e eee eeeee  ee ee eeee ee eee e eee e ee e e e e e eCe e eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeee eeeeeeeeee eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeee meee eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeee ?( @ʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___www    ( hATCb DI GI` Km N~Pa RR_ T U{.I We ( @    &)%O<@@O<)%&    ?? @4Microsoft MoneyMicrosoft MoneyDate DescriptionAmount5This name already exists. Please select another name. Tap here to enter or edit notes.Please enter a valid amount.(Please enter a valid name and tap "Add".!A name cannot begin with a space.rThere is not enough memory to complete this task. Try closing other applications and then restart Microsoft Money.,Cannot create the Microsoft Money databases.*Cannot open the Microsoft Money databases.{There is no space left in the Storage memory. Try re-allocating more memory using the Settings/System/Memory control panel.{There is no space left in the Storage Memory. Try re-allocating more memory using the Settings/System/Memory control panel.Microsoft MoneyAlpha17 - 06/24/99Developed by Access Softek.DCannot load the specified string. Please contact technical support.UntitledMicrosoft MoneyMicrosoft Money&Edit Category Ctrl+Enter<This version of Microsoft Money can run only on a Pocket PC.>This version of Microsoft Money can run only on a Handheld PC.NameTypeAccount numberBalanceNewDelailsAccount ManagerAccount Register InvestmentsPayees CategoriesNumDatePayeeCAmountBalanceNameSymbol Last PriceShares Market ValueEditCheckingSavings Credit CardCashBank RetirementLoanNameTypeName Abbreviation Phone NumberAccount NumberHMicrosoft Money database access error. Please contact technical support.C 7B7Breate New AccountEdit TransactionCreate New TransactionCheckDepositTransfer WithdrawalCharge-None- Not relevant$Please specify a valid account name.2Please specify a valid financial institution name.&Please specify a valid account number./Please specify a valid account opening balance.Category SubcategoryEditingProgram Button LaunchOptionsPayee not found. \Software\Microsoft\Money2000 CE^The payee you have specified does not exist. Do you want to create a new payee with this name?dThe category you have specified does not exist, do you wish to create a new category with this name? Please specify a valid category.#Please specify a valid subcategory.Please specify a valid payee.jThe subcategory you have specified does not exist. Do you want to create a new subcategory with this name?Please specify a valid amount.\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Keys\windows\LaunchMoneyCE.exe)\Software\Microsoft\Money 2000 CE\DisplayLine of CreditOther1Tap the New Account icon to create a new account.EAn account with this name already exists. Please select another name.!&View Account Details Ctrl+Enter&New Account Ctrl+W&Delete Account Ctrl+D&New Transaction Ctrl+N&Edit Transaction Ctrl+Enter&Delete Transaction Ctrl+DOThis account and all of its transactions will be permanently deleted. Continue?fA payee with this name already exists. Are you sure you want to have another payee with the same name?'The passwords you entered do not match.MYou have not given this payee a name. Please enter a name in the Payee field. Amount &Owed:IncomeExpenseWSubcategories must be the same type (Income or Expense) as the category they are under. Unassigned"This transaction cannot be edited.#This transaction cannot be deleted.|You cannot transfer money from an account to itself. Please check that you are entering the transfer in the correct account.Add Split ItemTo;Please specify the account you are transferring money from.9Please specify the account you are transferring money to.&New Investment Ctrl+N&Edit Investment Ctrl+Enter&Delete Investment Ctrl+DSort by Market ValueSort by SharesSort by Last PriceSort by Symbol Sort by NameSort by &PayeeSort by &Date Sort by &NumberGo to date... Ctrl+GGo to today Ctrl+TUpdate Investments Ctrl+UqThis subcategory does not have a matching category. A category with the same name has been automatically created. Information7This transaction will be permanently deleted. Continue? Proxy Server Edit Payee New PayeeOThe proxy server address is missing. Please enter a valid proxy server address. New Category Edit Category`You cannot delete any categories that have been assigned to any transactions in Microsoft Money.\You cannot delete any payees that have been assigned to any transactions in Microsoft Money.New Investment6This investment will be permanently deleted. Continue?Cannot connect to the MoneyCentral Web site to get a quote update. Make sure you have an open Internet connection and try again. If you use a proxy server, verify the settings in the Options screen.OYour investments are being updated from the MoneyCentral Web site. Please wait.Invalid SymbolN/A&New Category Ctrl+N&Delete Category Ctrl+D&Delete Payee Ctrl+D&New Payee Ctrl+N&Edit Payee Ctrl+Enter(Split/Multiple categories)WPlease make sure either the "From" account or the "To" is the currently opened account.2This payee will be permanently deleted. Continue? 1The password you entered is incorrect. Try again?CUnable to load Winsock subsystem. Please contact technical support. Not Available4This category will be permanently deleted. Continue?&Opening BalanceyDo you want the total of this transaction to equal the sum of the split items? This will remove any "Unassigned" amounts.QThis category and all of its subcategories will be permanently deleted. Continue?ZA category with this name already exists. Please enter a different name for this category.#Please enter a valid category name._An investment with this name already exists. Please enter a different name for this investment.cAn investment with this symbol already exists. Please enter a different symbol for this investment.'Please enter a valid investment symbol.#Please enter a valid interest rate.&Please enter a valid investment price.&Please enter a valid number of shares.Credit &Limit: Credit Limit:yInvalid reference (check) number. Neither the "-" nor the "+" character is allowed in the reference (check) number field."Please enter a valid credit limit.7This subcategory will be permanently deleted. Continue? Payee Name: Phone #: Account #: Address: Edit SubcategoryNew SubcategoryvA subcategory with this name already exists for this category. Please enter a different name for this new subcategory.Microsoft MoneyFPortions of this product designed and developed by Access Softek, Inc.<and Steve Jarrett Mobile Computing for Microsoft CorporationSPlease specify correct date, the valid date range is 01/01/1970 through 01/01/2100.7This split item will be permanently deleted. Continue? Version 1.0 Split DepositSplit Withdrawal+Interest rates must be between 0% and 100%.@Only 15 characters are allowed to the left of the decimal point.AOnly ten characters are allowed to the left of the decimal point.>Only two digits are allowed to the right of the decimal point.>Only six digits are allowed to the right of the decimal point.Invalid AmountInvalid Opening BalanceInvalid Credit Limit Invalid PriceInvalid SharesInvalid reference (check) number. The words "xfer", "epay", and "apay" are reserved for special cases and cannot be entered by hand.aThe port number is not valid. Please enter a valid port number for your proxy server in Options.3 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Product ID: Confirm Delete(None)Current account:Ending balance: Balances:Any changes you make to your Investments on the device will not be synchronized to Microsoft Money on your desktop PC. Also, the balances of any Investment accounts in the Account Manager will not reflect these changes.Confirm ActionfNames cannot contain the following: []: Please enter a name that does not include these characters.Invalid Category NameInvalid Account NameInvalid Institution NameInvalid Subcategory NameL ActiveSyncwThe changes you have made will not be saved due to the data synchronization between Microsoft Money and your CE device.eThe type of category you have chosen does not match the transaction type. Are you sure you want this?Credit Investment>,All Categories,Buy Investment/CD,Credit Card Payment,Customer Credit Refund,Expense,Expense Categories,Income,Income Categories,Loan Payment,Paycheck,Payment for Invoice,Principal Transfer,Redeem CD,Renew CD,Split/Multiple Categories,Transfer,Transfer From,Transfer To,Unassigned,Unassigned Expense,Unassigned Income,`The category name you have entered is reserved for use by Money. Please enter a different name.zThis transaction has a read-only attribute and cannot be edited on the device. Any changes you will make won't be saved.7This account has been synchronized with Microsoft Money on your desktop PC and cannot be deleted. If you do not want to continue to synchronize this account, un-check this account in the Settings screen in ActiveSync on your desktop PC. To permanently delete the account, use Microsoft Money on your desktop PC.Cannot Change TransactionCannot Delete AccountPlease enter investment name.Invalid Investment NameInvalid Investemt Symbol------------INCOME------------------------EXPENSE-----------Category Type Does Not MatchRead Only TransactionSynchronization ErrorThe password you have set for your Microsoft Money file on your desktop PC does not match the password you have entered on this mobile device. Please change the passwords to match and synchronize again.ReceiveSpendWelcome to Microsoft Money. If you use Microsoft Money on your desktop PC, synchronize before entering any information on your Handheld PC. Synchronizing first will ensure that information on your mobile device is not lost. Also, if your Handheld PC came pre-loaded with Microsoft Money, run the Microsoft Money for Handheld PC install program found on your ActiveSync CD-ROM to complete synchronization setup. NB10M8D:\pMoney\source\ARMRelPro\MoneyCE.pdb)&98 8